
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, 心理与社会科学
林地,236 e

Dr. Hsu’s research has focused broadly on understanding sexual orientation using a variety of psychophysiological, 行为, 自我报告方法. He is interested in examining whether sexual orientation is more diverse and dimensional than is conventionally understood, and whether sexual orientation is more than just someone being sexually attracted to males or females (i.e.(异性恋或同性恋). 例如,博士. Hsu has conducted research supporting the idea that sexual orientation is also about how much someone is sexually attracted to children versus adults, and how much someone is sexually attracted to other individuals versus the fantasy of themselves as one of those individuals. 最近, his research is looking at differences between “mostly heterosexual” and “exclusively heterosexual” women and men, and the influence of race on sexual attraction. 


  • Research Grant, Conru Foundation, $30,000 (Role: PI), 2020-2025 
  • Research Grant, American Institute of Bisexuality, $6,750 (Role: Co-PI), 2023-2024 
  • Rubin Award in 心理与社会科学, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, $3,800 (Role: PI), 2023-2024 
  • 教师 Development Grant, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, $4,000 (Role: PI), 2023-2024 
  • Summer 教师 Fellowship, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, $4,000 (Role: PI), 2023 
  • Open and Affordable 教育al Resources 教师 Champion Award, Penn State Libraries, 2022 
  • 教师 Development Grant, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, $3,000 (Role: PI), 2021-2022 
  • Teaching Enhancement Microgrant, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, 2021 
  • Rubin Award in 心理与社会科学, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, $1,125 (Role: PI), 2020-2021 
  • 教师 Development Grant, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, $4,000 (Role: PI), 2020-2021 
  • Affordable Course Content 教师 Fellowship, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, 2020 
  • Research Grant, American Institute of Bisexuality, $21,630 (Role: PI), 2017-2018 
  • Ira and Harriet Reiss Theory Award, Foundation for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, 2017 



Sexual Orientation; Sexual Arousal; Paraphilias; Human Sexuality; Gender; Race and Ethnicity.

贝利,J. M., 许,K. J., & 张成泽,H. H.** (2023). Elaborating and testing erotic target identity inversion theory in three paraphilic samples. 性行为档案. 提前在线出版. 

许,K. J., & 贝利,J. M. (2023). 性取向, 性动机, and erotic target identity inversions in male adult baby/diaper lovers. 性行为档案. 提前在线出版. 

贝利,J. M., & 许,K. J. (2022). 天生的女性有多亲性? 性行为档案, 51, 3311–3318. 

许,K. J., & 贝利,J. M. (2022). 情色目标身份倒置. 在D. P. VanderLaan & W. I. 黄(Eds.), Gender and sexuality development: Contemporary theory and research (pp. 589–612). 纽约:斯普林格出版社. 

Petterson L. J., & 许,K. J. (2022). 对变性人的吸引力. 在一个. D. Lykins (Ed.), 性与性别百科全书. 纽约:斯普林格出版社. 

许,K. J.Walden, A. L.肯德尔,A. D.,斯诺希尔,N. L.爱默生. M., & Donenberg G. R. (2022). Comparing the sexual and mental health of justice-involved youth across gender and sexual orientation. 刑事司法评论, 47, 354–368.  

许,K. J.雷,R. F., & Bodenhausen G. V. (2021). Racial preferences in sexual attraction among White heterosexual and gay men: Evidence from sexual arousal patterns and negative racial attitudes. 心理生理学,58, e13911. 

贝利,J. M.布兰查德,R., 许,K. J., & 雷夫尔,W. (2021). A map of desire: Multidimensional scaling of men’s sexual interest in male and female children and adults. 心理医学, 51, 2714–2720. 

Jabbour J. T.福尔摩斯,L.Sylva, D., 许,K. J.西蒙,T. L.罗森塔尔,A. M.萨夫伦,A.斯莱特沃尔德,E.瓦特,总体而言,T. M.萨文-威廉姆斯(Savin-Williams), R. C.,西拉,J. R.里格,G., & 贝利,J. M. (2020). Robust evidence for bisexual orientation among men. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117, 18369–18377. 

Jabbour J. T.**, 许,K. J., & 贝利,J. M. (2020). Sexual arousal patterns of mostly heterosexual men. 性行为档案, 49, 2421–2429. 

许,K. J., & 贝利,J. M. (2020). The poverty of conditioning explanations for sexual interests: Reply to Grey (2019). 性行为档案, 49, 53–55. 

Ganesan,.莫兰迪尼,J. S.费尔德雷,A., 许,K. J., & Dar-Nimrod,我. (2020). Ethnic differences in visual attention to sexual stimuli among Asian and White heterosexual women and men. Personality and Individual Differences, 155, 109630. 

许,K. J.罗森塔尔,A. M., & 贝利,J. M. (2020). 一般自恋女性量表. 在R. R. Milhausen J. K. Sakaluk T. D. 费舍尔,C. M. 戴维斯 & W. L. Yarber (Eds.), 性相关措施手册 (第四版.) (pp. 411–413). 纽约:劳特利奇出版社. 

J•莫兰迪尼则. S.费尔德雷,A.霍尔库姆,A. O., 许,K. J.莱金斯,A.贝利,J. M., & Dar-Nimrod,我. (2019). Visual attention to sexual stimuli in mostly heterosexuals. 《JDB电子》,48页, 1371–1385. 

许,K. J., & 贝利,J. M. (2019). The “furry” phenomenon: Characterizing sexual orientation, 性动机, and erotic target identity inversions in male furries. 《JDB电子》,48页, 1349–1369. 

许,K. J., & 贝利,J. M. (2017). Autopedophilia: Erotic-target identity inversions in men sexually attracted to children. 心理科学,28; 115–123. 

罗森塔尔,. M., 许,K. J., & 贝利,J. M. (2017). 谁是雌雄同体的男人? An Internet survey of men with sexual interest in transgender women. 《JDB电子》第46期, 255–264. 

许,K. J., 罗森塔尔,. M.米勒,D。. I., & 贝利,J. M. (2017). Sexual arousal patterns of autogynephilic male cross-dressers. 性行为档案,46, 247–253. 

义符T. L., 许,K. J., 罗森塔尔,. M., & 贝利,J. M. (2017). Bisexual phenomena among gay-identified men. 性行为档案,46, 237–245. 

贝利,J. M., & 许,K. J. (2017). 对嗜时症的基础研究进行定向. 性行为档案,46, 23–26. 

贝利,J. M.伯恩哈德,P. A.**, & 许,K. J. (2016). An Internet study of men sexually attracted to children: Correlates of sexual offending against children. 变态心理学杂志,2005, 989–1000. 

贝利,J. M., 许,K. J., & 伯纳德,P. A.** (2016). An Internet study of men sexually attracted to children: Sexual attraction patterns. 变态心理学杂志,2005, 976–988. 

许,K. J.罗森塔尔,A. M.米勒,D。. I., & 贝利,J. M. (2016). 谁是雌雄同体的男人? Characterizing men with sexual interest in transgender women. 心理医学,46, 819–827. 

许,K. J.罗森塔尔,A. M., & 贝利,J. M. (2015). Ethical criticism starts with reading carefully: Reply to Veale (2015). 《JDB电子》44页, 1747–1748. 

许,K. J.罗森塔尔,A. M., & 贝利,J. M. (2015). The psychometric structure of items assessing autogynephilia. 性行为档案,44, 1301–1312. 

许,K. J. (2014). The “auto” (self) in autogynephilic transsexualism. 性研究杂志,51, 234–236. 


Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Northwestern University, 2019
M.S., Clinical Psychology, Northwestern University, 2015
B.A., Psychology and Biological Sciences, Northwestern University, 2012

在加入JDB电子分校之前. Hsu completed his clinical psychology internship in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

PSYCH 270: Introduction to Abnormal Psychology
PSYCH 301W: Basic Research Methods in Psychology
PSYCH 497: Scientific Controversies in Clinical Psychology